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Most of us know and/or remember Glyenda Holmes Toler.  She has taught at both Johnson County High School and East Laurens High School.  A devout christian, devoted mother and wife,  and tirelessly dedicated to her students, Glyenda has battled colon and kidney cancer for over a year successfully.  However, it has now spread to her lungs.  WE (Johnson County and East Laurens) have started this fundraiser to help with Glyenda's fight.  Proceeds from the sale of this tee will go to Glyenda and her family as she fights the relentless battle against this awful disease of cancer.  Please keep her and your family in your prayers.  A check will be presented to Glyenda and her family at the Border Wars game.  Please help us support her and show up at the game to show her support, but most of all, keep her and her family in your prayers.  

Glyenda Border Fundraiser

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