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So many people ask about Kamdyn on a daily basis so I'm going to share a lil of what we as a family have been going through this past year. After many doctors & wrong diagnosis, Kamdyn was diagnosed with San Filippo Syndrome (childhood dementia/Alzheimer's). This is an extremely rare genetic disorder. It's so rare that there aren't any clinical trials that Kam qualies for. There isn't a cure, this is a terminal neurological disease. This disorder affects his small body the same as it does elderly patients. We ask that you add Kamdyn in your prayers & pray for a cure. It takes a village. It's hard on his parents/siblings, it's hard on us grandparents as well but we as a family are going to walk him through this journey while providing so much love & support. We pray for God's mercy as well as a miracle for our #sanfilippowarrior #kamdynridgechannel

Kamdyn Strong Fundraiser

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